Løftemagnet 100 kg

Løftemagnet for plater, rør og blokker av stål | 100 kg løftekapasitet

| Betjenes manuelt ved hjelp av/på spak | Trenger ikke strøm | Kompakt størrelse

Se alle permanente løftemagneter.

Pris pr. stk. inkl. MVA

Vanlig pris kr 4 490,00 Spesialpris kr 3 990,00
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Løftemagneter (magnetløftere) brukes til å løfte og flytte tunge elementer laget av jern og magnetisk stål. Disse enhetene krever ingen ekstern eller intern strømforsyning. Magnetfeltet slås på og av ved å bevege håndspaken.

Takket være at de er små av størrelse og har relativt lav vekt, er de veldig komfortable og enkle å håndtere. De brukes i ståldepoter, fabrikker, lager, verksteder, dokker og der de kan være nyttige for å bære plater, profiler, bjelker og andre store jernelementer.

Tillatt belastning for et gitt materiale [kg]:

  • Stål (karbonfattig)

    : 100 kg
  • Stål (høyt karboninnhold): 90 kg
  • Stål

    (lavlegert) : 75 kg
  • Støpejern

    : 50 kg

Mer om produktet:

  • Sikkerhetsfaktor på 3.5 : 1
  • Manuelt betjente
  • Lav egenvekt 3.2 kg


Nominal hoisting capacity

: 100 [kg]

Maximal hoisting capacity: >350 [kg] – safety coefficient for static tests is 3,5.



Lifting magnets

are magnetic systems assembled by incorporation of stable magnets. They are used for lifting and moving heavy iron and magnetic steel elements. Devices of this kind do not require any external nor internal power supply. Magnetic field is switched on and off as a result of adjustment with a hand-operated lever. The lifting magnets’ magnetic field is produced by sintered neodymium magnets of the latest generation. Thanks to their reduced dimensions and relatively small weight they are very handy and user-friendly. Lifting magnets may prove to be very useful in steel depots, plants, warehouses, workshops, docks and wherever they may be of service while moving items such as pipes, metal sheets and plates, as well as other large iron elements. Lifting magnets with CM series come with an two-year guarantee and "CE" compliance declaration.

Hoisting capacity of each lifting magnet depends on the following factors:

Thickness and form of an element lifted (for each lifting magnet dependence of hoisting capacity in relation to lifted elements thickness is given). For pipes and rollers nominal hoisting capacity is reduced by approx. 50 per cent. The minimum thickness of an element for SM100 is 3 mm,

Elements which are too thin can be attracted too weakly as the lifting magnet’s magnetic field is not used fully. Only a small fraction of the magnetic field is enough to saturate very thin metal sheet, while bigger part of magnetic flux penetrates out of the sheet to the environment. In case like that the lifting magnet’s magnetic circuit is not optimally compact. Moreover, thin elements tend to change their shape and their surface of contact with the lifting magnet becomes linear, which reduces dramatically the hoisting capacity strength.

The most effective hoisting capacity comes with adequately thick elements that close the magnetic circuit properly, using all the magnetic flux of the lifting magnet. The following template gives optimal thickness of lifted elements for each type of the lifting magnets (i.e. thickness for which hoisting capacity efficiency is 100%).

Non-magnetic gap between the lifting magnet poles and lifted element

Steel thickness

Non-magnetic gap between the lifting magnet poles and lifted element
D = 0 mm D = 0,1 mm D = 0,3 mm D = 0,5 mm
Nominal hoisting capacity of lifting magnet [kg]
15 100 90 65 48
10 94 75 57 42
5 51 42 40 28
3 22 22 18 18

The hoisting capacity depends on air gap comprised between magnet legs of the lifting magnet and a lifted element. If surface unevenness of a load R is smaller than 6,3 mm, the air gap next to the lifting magnet surface disappears and the hoisting capacity efficiency is not decreased. Such is the case with very clean, flat and polished surface. If, however, surface unevenness of lifted materials Ra is bigger than 6,3 mm, the air gap between the lifting magnet and element lifted should be considered. For rusted surfaces after rolling we may allow an air gap in a range of (0,1-0,3 mm), while for uneven porous surfaces the air gap may be predicted in a range of (0,3-0,5 mm).

Before starting of work find information about per cent dependency of hoisting capacity as function of the air gap (efficiency of hoisting capacity curves may be found in a lifting magnet housing).

quality of lifted steel (generally, the bigger proportion of iron, the bigger hoisting capacity: efficiency of hoisting capacity coefficient for low-carbon steels is 1,0 ; for high-carbon steels - 0,90; for low-alloyed steels - 0,75; for cast iron 0,50),
Different ferromagnetic materials react with magnets in a different way (they have particular magnetic properties). Some of them are attracted more intensively, others – less intensively. This depends on structure as well as chemical composition of a given material. For example, pure iron (Armco) is attracted more strongly than carbon steels, and carbon steels are attracted more strongly than cast iron.

    Name     Nominal hoisting capacity[kg] Capacity limit for the material *)[kg]
Steel(low-carbon) Steel(high-carbon) Steel(low-alloyed) Cast iron
CM 100 100 100 90 75 50
Vekt3,2 kg
Styrke100 kg
Håndtak lengde145 mm
Total høyde75 mm
Bredde70 mm
Lengde95 mm
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